Gameplay | Mechanics | Systems
Project Details
Team Size - 4
Duration - 4 months
Playtime - 10 minutes
Platform - PC
Distribution -
Tools - Unreal Engine 5, Perforce, Jira, Confluence, Audacity, Google Draw, Google Sheets
Roles - Gameplay Designer, Technical Designer, Systems Designer
Over the final 4 months of my Game Design Bachelor’s degree program, I worked with a team of 3 other designers on a single "capstone" game project. The goal of this project was to create a vertical slice of gameplay that would show potential employers that I can work with a team to create fun and engaging gameplay. The main systems I was responsible for designing and implementing were the weapons and progression.
Weapon Types
Weapon Parent Class
The first step when creating a weapons system for this game was to identify what shared behaviors the weapons would have. I identified that all the weapons in this game would need to fire a projectile with variable fire rate, damage, range, and I later added an ammo system with variable reload speed. There are too many specific shared behaviors to list but in summary: the weapon parent class was built to handle every weapon behavior that was not specific to a certain weapon type.
Screenshot of weapon parent class components and variables near end of production
Design Process
First, we brainstormed as many weapon types as we could, drawing inspiration from some of our favorite games and concepts we’ve always wanted to try.
Next, we narrowed down the list to just the ones we thought would fit into our game by using our design pillars, genre, and game concept.
Next, we tried to imagine potential gameplay scenarios for each weapon type. For example: shooting the ricochet rifle in a crowded hallway and watching the bullet rapidly bounce through all the enemies.
Finally, we considered scope and feasibility of each weapon type, cutting any that we determined would likely require too much time to implement.
Weapon Modifiers
Problem: We need more weapon variety
To serve the rogue-like nature of the game by increasing the variety of gameplay, the team decided that we needed a system to randomize our weapons. While one well-designed weapon is more valuable than a hundred shallow ones, we thought the variety of options was a vital part of the game's concept that we would be able to include without sacrificing quality. Offering players a diverse arsenal of weapons to use is something that our research found is vital to the genre.
Solution 1: Procedural Weapons
Given our very limited time frame, I opted for a procedural system that assigned modifiers to each weapon upon creation. The three weapon types acted as base classes that each had their own list of 10-20 modifiers that could be attached to them. These modifiers could change anything about the weapon's behavior, such as increasing its fire rate or adding a stacking damage buff whenever a player kills an enemy with it.
- Difficult to balance
- Sometimes created weapons that were not fun to use
- Required lots of work to refine
Screenshot of a designer tool I created that spawns custom weapons for testing
Solution 2: Curated Weapons
This solution was a "pivot" of the original system that involved keeping the modifier system but changing how they are attached to weapons. Instead of each weapon procedurally selecting it's own modifiers, I redesigned the system into a curated pool of weapons, each with preset modifiers that were balanced and tested to ensure every weapon had a purpose and a unique feel.
- Players always get offered fun weapons
- Much easier to control player progression
- Streamlined development
Screenshots of the data tables for curated weapons of each type
Examples of the weapons and their given modifiers in-game